Ok, so. I had a break over Summer. Only at the end of Summer, I locked myself out of my googlemail account, which is the same account as this blog... yeah. Anyway, back now, changed the locks and keys, put some spares in a few places, everything is hunky-dory. [TL;DR of what follows after the break: I didn't do much over Summer except be an idiot. I am now a busy moth. Stay tuned for more.]
Over the Summer, I ran an Exalted campaign. I would report the events here now, but someone is in the process of turning the complete logs into a pdf. Possibly a pdf novella, in fact (yeah it might take a while, especially given I'll want to proof-read probably several times....). But! Once that's finished, I'll be linking it here. And yes, I'll post a tl;dr version alongside it.
Mage picked up again (well, one session). Susumu wandered off and got lost, and I've replaced him with Daniel White-Heart, Swashbuckler Extraordinare! (That last part started as his Concept, but appears to have become his title). Daniel has a rapier, an ego, a flintlock pistol and a mish-mash of spells that don't match much because he is a Hollow One, which is to say a Mage not taken in by any tradition at all and who decides to do things their own way. Daniel has been through a couple of different "own way"s before, but has settled on being a Swashbuckler who is "just that fit". But he also knows how to use pentagrams and sympathy.
So Daniel and the other new character (Jenna Side got bored of Britain and went to the mainland, to be replaced by Ivanku the bear... shaman) woke up locked in a cell, being experimented upon. The remaining members of the Cabal went to investigate an office building, which turned out to contain our cell. After much confusion involving other people seeing through walls and Daniel not being able to ("Aha, my effects!" is now likely to become a catchphrase), we found a powerful biowizard who incapacitated us before being blown up by a loony archmage who healed us up and turned out to be our old boss. Then we finished, and haven't had another game since due to illnesses and schedule clashes and such.
In the aftermath of my Exalted campaign (and the run-up to the sequel campaign I'm planning) Anathema (who I don't have a website for off the top of my head, but he was The Slut in Exalted) is running a chronicle of Vampire the Requiem (this is the newer version of Vampire - Sheriti was in Vampire the Masquerade, the old version. There is much internet feuding between old and new World of Darkness) in which I will be playing Kelly Bechdel, a Gym teacher (it's in America) who likes kickboxing but recently got fired because she's a lesbian and was accused of molesting her students (she didn't - but parents wanted rid of her because political commentary). She then got bitten by a strange man under weird circumstances and is now a Gangrel - the most feral and violent kind of Vampire, as signified by her newfound ability to grow deadly claws.
I passed first year at Uni! Only took me two years, go me =P. Now enjoying Second Year, plenty of cool stuff in lectures. Maths is maths but I like maths. Pathfinding is an interesting topic being taught by an awesome lecturer - my only regret is that we only get one semester of it. Graphics is being taught by an even more awesome lecturer (Seriously, I don't think anyone is going to top an offer to have the class fight to the death for Starcraft 2 beta keys) in which I've almost already learnt how to make a basic virus. We're working with PS2s this year, which is groovy. And finally, I'm starting to learn Japanese (again. But with classes this time, so it should last longer than a week).
I moved house, but that is boring and too near to identifying me so hush. I no longer have a job, but I really want to concentrate on studying this year so that's cool. My brother is now also a university student, studying something deep somewhere cold. I have started sketching out details of one of the two games I have to make by January.
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