A fact about me you may not know: I'm terrible at time-keeping. I just have a terrible internal clock, at least when it comes to estimating how much time has passed between two events. I cannot estimate journey times except for in relation to other journeys, and even then only by estimating the distances. "Well, it takes me 20 minutes to get to work, but uni's nearer to work, so... under 20 minutes?" (actually somewhere between 5 and 10).
This sometimes means I struggle to find the time for doing things, this blog being a prime example, that aren't on a fixed schedule. It hardly helps that I had a reasonably active last week. In addition to work, I:
-Ran another two sessions of Exalted (the second of which finished just before I typed this)
-Played a session of Mage
-Hunted down more pets in WoW and started getting reputation with some of the factions from the Burning Crusade who sell pets.
-Handed in my notice at work (come on, 23rd May)
-Applied for a new WoW guild run by some friends of friends in IRC
-Saw Star Trek, which was awesome (though I can't help but feel I missed a lot by not bein a Trekkie myself)
-Had my end-of-year interview at uni, which went alright. I think I'm going to have to redo an essay over the next month or so, and possibly polish up another couple bits of coursework, if I want to pass through into the next year.
Anyway, yeah, busy, albeit some of that stuff's frivolous, but hey, so am I =P
Coming soon: a summary of the first two proper episodes (full sessions) of the Exalted game, a summary of last week's Mage (probably on Thursday along with a summary of this week's), some WoW stuff, and a GMing rant about GMPCs (which I managed to miss last time round). One a day at least is my plan, but we'll see how it goes. Feel free to harass me if nothing appears on Wednesday proper.
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