Well, this took me long enough. Here I am, stumbling into Web 2.0 like I'm back at school, catching onto the very end of the latest fad. It probably says something that I think the only scene I got into early was Pokémon.
I initially considered calling this blog "Dear Internet...", it seemed fitting for what I've always seen as a "public diary" of sorts. I decided instead upon Impotent Rants, which is what most blogs come out to be. Could it be considered pessimistic to call my own contribution to the ocean this? Probably, but as with all pessimists, I'll be thinking of it as merely realistic.
I'll be aiming to update at least 1 time a week to start with, probably more. Early posts will be easy. I have a few rants in store, and failing that I may even introduce myself.
May the Force be with me. Or the Light. Or Gaia. Or Odin. Or...